Wednesday, November 23, 2016

In my previous blog I talked about the epidemic of obesity and no matter what your situation is it is not hopeless. You can do something about it. First of all you have to start where you are and improve from there. At first it is extremely difficult you will be very sore after each training session however it will get better after a couple of weeks.

Strength training and a sensible nutrition plan is the most efficient method of losing weight and gaining lean muscle mass. Lets compare strength training with cardio.

You will burn about 10 calories per minute strength training as opposed to around 12 calories per minute on a treadmill or cardio equipment. However you continue to burn calories after your strength training workout. According to exercise physiologist Mike Bracko of Calgary, Alberta. "But when you strength train, your body is like, 'Whoa, this is a lot different!'" And that "whoa" takes you about an hour to recover from—burning an extra 25 percent on top of the calories you torched during your workout. That means if you burn 160 calories doing a 20-minute strength circuit, you'll actually burn 200 by the time you've gone on with your day."

According to Dr. Wayne Westcott" your metabolism stays elevated by at least 10% for thee days after you lift as your body repairs the micro traumas in your muscles."

I'm telling its never too late to get started call Basic Iron LLC now.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

I am going to address a serious issue we have here in the US. I am going to use some direct language in this blog I do not intend to offend anyone but these are the facts.

 According to the CDC the percentage of adults age 20 years and over with obesity: 37.9% (2013-2014).
Percentage of adolescents ages with obesity 12-19 20.6 %
Percentage of children ages 6-11 with obesity 17.4%
Percentage of adults ages 20-70 who are overweight and including obesity 70.7%.
This is a very serious health issue that must be addressed.

I heard a commercial a while back it said "Are you overweight? It's not your fault." I just don't get it. If it's not your fault who the hell's fault is it???? Bottom line if you are overweight and you are looking for someone to blame you only have to look as far as the nearest mirror. We are responsible in one way or another for everything that happens to us. That's the good news once you accept total responsibility for yourself then you can fix it.

No matter what your physical condition it is not hopeless. You don,t have to spend endless hours on a treadmill and starving yourself. You can fix it with 2 to 3 half hour strength training sessions per week and a nutrition plan that allows you to eat 5 to 8 times a day.

You can make it happen. Take charge of your health call Basic Iron today 616-232-3917

Sunday, November 13, 2016

When most people think strength training the 1st thing that comes to mind is a bunch of huge guys lifting huge amounts of weight. While that is part of it that's not all of it. There is not one person from the age 6 on up that cannot greatly benefit from strength training.

Misconception # 1
If a woman lifts weights she will bulk up and look like a man. Absolutely False. Your hormones simply will not allow that to happen. The only way you will end up looking like a man is if you abuse steroids. Strength training will be make you stronger, healthier, and happier.

Other benefits include:
Lower risk of heart disease
Lower risk of osteoporosis
Significant loss of bodyfat
You will gain lean muscle mass
Your entire body will function more efficiently
You will greatly improve your athletic performance
Lower risk of arthritis
Lower risk of diabetes
Strength training will also help fight depression

Get started today
Call Basic Iron LLC